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October 2023
NOUVEAU - L'Économie Défaillante du Niger
Le Niger, une nation d'Afrique de l'Ouest comptant plus de 25 millions d'habitants, est aux prises avec de graves problèmes économiques et une instabilité politique. Il se classe parmi les pays les moins avancés en termes de développement humain, avec des niveaux de vie à peine meilleurs que ceux du Tchad et du Soudan du Sud, selon l'Indice de développement humain des Nations Unies. La crise actuelle du pays tourne autour d'un coup d'État amer, qui menace de dégénérer en une guerre régionale. Cette situation est d'autant plus grave que le Niger est déjà situé dans une région en proie à des éruptions de violence et à l'instabilité. Malgré sa pauvreté accablante, le Niger possède des ressources naturelles précieuses, notamment de l'uranium, en forte demande à l'échelle mondiale. Il fournit une part importante des besoins en uranium de l'UE. Cependant, le statut enclavé du pays et son accès limité aux ports maritimes rendent le commerce international coûteux et logistiquement difficile. Même les biens importés de base deviennent des produits de luxe en raison des coûts élevés de transport. De plus, l'instabilité politique au Niger et les préoccupations des investisseurs étrangers entravent son développement économique. Le pays dépend du fleuve Niger pour le commerce, qui pourrait être coupé par le Nigeria voisin, un acteur régional puissant. La lutte du pays pour établir des industries formelles, même dans des secteurs comme l'extraction du pétrole brut, aggrave ses problèmes économiques. En résumé, le Niger fait face à une crise complexe, combinant instabilité politique, défis économiques et pressions extérieures. L'issue de cette situation complexe pourrait avoir des conséquences importantes, non seulement pour le Niger, mais aussi pour les intérêts mondiaux liés à ses ressources précieuses et à la stabilité géopolitique.
NEW - NAGORNO-KARABAKH | Ethnic Cleansing?
In September 2023, Azerbaijan launched a significant military attack on the breakaway region of Nagorno-Karabakh, primarily inhabited by ethnic Armenians. Surprisingly, the territory surrendered within a day, triggering a massive exodus of ethnic Armenians. The term "ethnic cleansing" has been at the center of the debate surrounding this situation. Armenia claims that Azerbaijan is forcibly expelling Armenians, while Azerbaijan insists that people are leaving voluntarily. The roots of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict date back to the Soviet era when it was granted autonomy within Azerbaijan. After the Soviet Union's collapse, it sought independence, leading to a bitter three-year war in the 1990s. While the UN recognized Azerbaijani sovereignty over Nagorno-Karabakh during the war, the international community tried to negotiate a settlement, but hostilities persisted. In recent years, Azerbaijan, bolstered by its oil and gas wealth, increased its military capabilities, leading to the 2020 war. The 2023 attack further exacerbated tensions. The future of the Armenian population in Azerbaijan remains uncertain, with doubts about their willingness to return and the adequacy of guarantees for their safety and self-rule. The international community's response has been mixed, with many countries remaining quiet on the issue. The lack of a clear definition of "ethnic cleansing" and the absence of a specific crime in international law make it difficult to reach a definitive conclusion. Despite the conflict's resolution, the implications and challenges in the region persist, with geopolitical considerations likely to shape the future.
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James Ker-Lindsay
September 2023
The Chinese Collapse: A (MASSIVE) Housing Overbuild
The Chinese economic landscape is currently facing a severe crisis, primarily centered around an excessive overbuild in the housing market. Unlike many other economies that rely on consumption or exports for growth, China has long favored an investment-led growth model. This approach involves extensive construction projects, such as infrastructure and factories, fueled by substantial debt. However, as this strategy persists, it begins to yield diminishing returns and results in the misallocation of resources, capital, and labor. The core issue lies within the housing market, where there is a staggering surplus of unoccupied housing units. Recent estimates suggest that there may be enough vacant homes to house not just the current Chinese population but twice that number, exceeding 100% overcapacity. This situation far surpasses the housing bubble that contributed to the 2008 financial crisis in the United States. China's economic structure is distinct due to its strong state-centric control and strict limitations on capital outflows. Consequently, many Chinese citizens have invested their life savings in real estate, making them particularly vulnerable to a housing market collapse. Unlike past experiences in countries like Japan and South Korea, where overbuilding primarily affected corporations, the Chinese situation directly threatens individual finances and undermines public support for the entire system, including the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the government. In summary, China's massive housing overbuild, coupled with demographic challenges, poses a severe risk to the nation's economic stability and the CCP's legitimacy. The potential consequences of this crisis are profound, impacting citizens' financial security and eroding trust in the government.
African Coups: Will the French Get Involved?
In recent times, Africa has witnessed a surge in coups, with a notable concentration in former French colonies. This phenomenon prompts questions about the potential role of France in these developments. To understand this dynamic, it's essential to delve into the historical differences between French and British colonial approaches. The British Empire adopted a profit-driven model, focusing on key economic nodes and letting local institutions and elites manage their affairs, while the French pursued territorial expansion for national prestige. The contrast is evident when comparing Senegal (a French colony) and The Gambia (a British colony). Despite Senegal's larger territorial holdings, The Gambia prospered economically due to more effective management by the British. These colonial legacies have left former French colonies with weaker institutions and political instability, making them susceptible to external influence. As a result, France's involvement in these regions is unpredictable. They lack significant national interests, allowing them to intervene or withdraw based on their perception of the situation. This unpredictability, coupled with their historical propensity for manipulation and intervention, makes France a unique player in international affairs. Unlike other powers with substantial investments in the region, the French are more comfortable engaging in these blank-slate scenarios, often resorting to covert tactics like assassinations and covert operations. Ultimately, their actions are determined by how they perceive their own interests in these former colonies, which may not align with conventional geopolitical calculations.
Is Spain Heading For Another Election?
Spain is currently grappling with a significant political turmoil following an inconclusive election held in July. The conservative party emerged as the winner, but it failed to secure enough support to form a government. Acting socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez now finds himself in a precarious position, dependent on the backing of hard-line Catalan separatists to remain in power. The election, which was originally scheduled for December, was called early by Sanchez after the ruling socialists and their coalition partner suffered losses in regional and local elections in May. While the conservative People's Party was expected to win, they fell short of the majority needed to form a government. This resulted in a deadlock in the Congress of Deputies, with the hard-line Catalan separatist party Junts holding the potential to become kingmakers with their seven seats. The leader of the conservative party, Alberto Nunez Feijoo, attempted to form a government but was hindered by the inclusion of the far-right party Vox in his potential coalition, which was unacceptable to many regional parties. As a result, his investiture vote failed, and Spain faces the possibility of another election if Sanchez cannot secure enough support in a second vote. Key to Sanchez's challenges is the demand from Junts for amnesty for Catalan separatists facing charges related to the 2017 independence referendum. While there have been some concessions and negotiations, agreeing to such an amnesty is a highly controversial move, with significant opposition within Spain, including within Sanchez's own party. Moreover, even if Sanchez manages to form a government with Junts' support, it would remain unstable, as the Catalan independence issue remains unresolved. This situation leaves Spain at a crossroads, with the possibility of another election looming large.
Ukraine War: Russia Targets Grain and Power Grid
In the ongoing Ukraine conflict, Russia has implemented a calculated economic strategy, targeting critical infrastructure to exert pressure and achieve its objectives. Initially, during the winter months, Russia strategically attacked Ukraine's power grid, recognizing that disrupting electricity generation would not only cause casualties but also manipulate political decisions in Kiev. This tactic aimed to weaken Ukraine's resilience and influence its leadership. As spring arrived, Russia shifted its focus to the agricultural supply chain, particularly grain-related infrastructure like silos and ports. This move had a devastating impact on Ukraine's ability to export grain. Ukraine relies heavily on imports for essential agricultural materials, had limited storage capacity due to previous conflicts, and predominantly used water routes, which were severely disrupted. Consequently, Ukraine's capacity to engage in international grain markets plummeted by nearly 90%, effectively achieving Russia's strategic goals in this sector. Currently, Russia is renewing its efforts to target Ukraine's power grid in the fall, likely causing further casualties. Despite the disruption, global grain prices have remained relatively stable due to Russia's increased wheat exports. However, uncertainties linger, as Russia's climate is unpredictable, and the threat of maritime conflict in the Black Sea adds further risks to the grain supply chain. To mitigate this crisis, international cooperation is vital. Massive expansion of rail connections between Ukraine and neighboring countries is essential to help Ukraine transport its grain. Moreover, developing the infrastructure needed to transfer goods from rail to ship is crucial for sustaining the grain supply chain.
Why Niger's Crisis Is Our Crisis Too
Niger, a landlocked West African nation with a population of just over 25 million, grapples with profound human development challenges, ranking among the world's lowest in living standards, surpassed only by Chad and South Sudan according to the United Nations Human Development Index. Currently, Niger is embroiled in a dangerous coup, threatening to escalate into a full-scale regional conflict. This is a perilous situation, especially considering the country's vulnerable population and the existing instability in the region. Economics play a pivotal role in understanding the complexities of Niger's predicament. Despite its extreme poverty, Niger possesses valuable resources, notably the world's seventh-largest uranium reserves. This has piqued the interest of global powers and is essential for meeting European Union energy demands. The recent coup coincided with the closure of a major uranium mine in Canada, driving up uranium prices and exacerbating energy challenges for nations relying on nuclear power. Niger's geographical isolation compounds its economic woes. It lacks direct access to global trade routes, relying primarily on the Niger River for trade. However, this river ultimately flows through neighboring Nigeria, a relationship subject to the whims of the stronger nation, potentially cutting off Niger's economic lifeline. Furthermore, the country's limited infrastructure, political instability, and risks associated with resource extraction deter foreign investment. In summary, Niger's crisis is not isolated but rather intertwined with global economic interests, energy security, and regional stability. Its struggles serve as a stark reminder of how interconnected the world's economies are, and how events in one corner of the globe can have far-reaching consequences for many.
China's "Diversionary" War with Taiwan: The Good, Bad and Ugly
In his discussion titled "China's 'Diversionary' War with Taiwan: The Good, Bad, and Ugly," Peter Zeihan explores the possibility of China initiating a diversionary war with Taiwan and its potential implications. He presents several key points: Firstly, Zeihan highlights that China's autocratic system provides the government with substantial control over public opinion. This control makes it less likely that the Chinese government would need a diversionary war to boost public support, as is often the case in democracies facing domestic issues. Secondly, Zeihan argues that launching a war for Taiwan would be economically detrimental to China. The nation heavily relies on international trade for energy and resources, and any disruption to this system could lead to industrial collapse and famine, causing significant harm to the Chinese population. Thirdly, Zeihan questions the strategic value of capturing Taiwan for China. While it might technically breach the first island chain, China remains dependent on global trade and relies on the U.S. Navy to safeguard its commercial interests. He also raises concerns about China's leadership, particularly Xi Jinping, operating in isolation and making decisions without access to accurate information, which could lead to miscalculations. Lastly, Zeihan speculates that if the Chinese system faces inevitable collapse due to demographic issues, launching a war could allow the Communist Party to control the narrative and extend its rule, even if it results in significant population loss. In conclusion, Zeihan suggests that while a diversionary war cannot be entirely ruled out, its rationale in the Chinese context would be unconventional and multifaceted, involving complex political, economic, and strategic considerations.
Will Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan go to War Over Water?
The video discusses the escalating tensions between Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan and the potential for a war over water resources. These two Central Asian countries, once part of the Soviet Union, have been unable to agree on their border since the Soviet Union's dissolution in 1991. The border disputes mainly center around the demarcation of their shared border, particularly in the northwest region of Tajikistan. Additionally, both nations have enclaves within each other's territories, leading to sporadic conflicts over the years. One significant factor driving these tensions is the critical issue of water scarcity. Climate change, mismanagement, and increasing demand have strained water resources in the region. The Syr Darya River, a vital water source, runs along the contested border, and disagreements over control of water distribution stations have led to violence. Furthermore, Russia's withdrawal as a regional security guarantor due to its involvement in Ukraine has left a power vacuum, destabilizing the region. Iran supports Tajikistan, while Turkey backs Kyrgyzstan, potentially turning this conflict into a proxy war. The video also highlights the broader context of geopolitical tensions in former Soviet states, attributing some of these conflicts to the delayed effects of the Soviet Union's peaceful dissolution.